Sunday, December 09, 2007

Giuliani is skewered on "Meet the Press"

The Conservative

Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani was a guest on the Dec. 9, 2007 edition of 'Meet the Press.'

Tim Russert calling Florida for Gore during the 2000 presidential election before adequate election results were out was unacceptable; however, his skewering Rudy Giuliani on national TV was a thing of beauty.

Pro abortion, pro gay marriage, pro gun control, pro this, pro that, Rudy Giuliani’s performance on “Meet the Press", only served to show that Rudy is not at all a man of presidential character. For the entire hour, Giuliani addressed his suspect behaviors and ethical breaches while mayor of New York. He rattled on for the entire hour in monotone lackluster diatribe. Even Tim Russert seemed to tire of hearing Rudy’s mumbo jumbo, and was relieved when the hour was up.

Imagine 4 years of listening to this guy?

Rudy Giuliani was a mayor with zero military experience, a shady past, and a value structure like that of Barney Frank. How on earth, can this man call himself a Republican?

He is not a man I wish are children to look up to or emulate

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