Friday, December 07, 2007

Bush 'cannot recall' CIA videos


US President George W Bush has said he has "no recollection" of the existence of video tapes of CIA interrogations and the plan to destroy them.

The CIA says it wiped two tapes of interrogations of al-Qaeda suspects to protect the identities of its agents.

But human rights groups accuse it of destroying evidence of practices that may be tantamount to torture.

A US Senate committee has promised a thorough investigation into the history of the making and wiping of the tapes.

Mr Bush continued to have confidence in CIA Director Michael Hayden, White House spokeswoman Dana Perino said.

The president "did not remember" being told of the tapes prior to Thursday, she said.

The CIA confirmed on Thursday allegations in the New York Times that two tapes were destroyed in 2005.

Officials feared the tapes could have raised doubts about the legality of the CIA's techniques, the newspaper says......

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