Sunday, November 25, 2007

Thompson Accuses Fox News of Bias Against Him


ABC News' Teddy Davis Reports During an interview with Chris Wallace on Fox News Sunday, former Sen. Fred Thompson, R- Tenn., grew testy when shown clips of conservatives Fred Barnes and Charles Krauthammer saying that the former Law and Order actor could not win.

Thompson said such doom and gloom had been a "constant mantra" of Fox News since he got into the race.

He complained about the show's decision to show his poor performance in New Hampshire primary polls and pointed to how he is doing nationally (where some polls have him in second), in South Carolina (where some polls have him "leading or tied for the lead") and in Iowa (where third still puts him numerically ahead of Rudy Giuliani).

"For you to highlight nothing but the negative in terms of these polls and then to put on your own guys who have been predicting for four months, really, that I couldn't do it kind of skews things a little bit," said Thompson. "There is a lot of other opinion out there."

When asked by Wallace if anyone thinks he has run a great campaign, Thompson said, "It's not for me to come here and try to convince you that I've run a great campaign."

He then pointed to praise his policy ideas have received from the conservative National Review magazine.

"I understand the game of build-up and I understand the game of take-down and we all go through it. And I am perfectly willing for you to do that with regard to me as you do the other candidates. You have the right to put in your one side - to put in the Fox side - and I have right to respond to it and thankfully you've given me the opportunity to do that," added Thompson.

Wallace replied to Thompson's answer by saying, "Senator, I'm glad I asked the question because I got a heck of an answer."

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