Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Save Tucker?


“Rumors have been flying recently that Tucker Carlson could soon be on the way out at MSNBC.” Tucker’s show is “in real danger of being canceled,” according to an NBC official, but the right won’t let him go down without a fight. TVNewswer reports that a few of Tucker’s die-hard fans have launched a petition drive to “save Tucker.” The group’s webpage states, “This decision by MSNBC will silence a conservative voice, part of a move by MSNBC to swing left and become ‘FOX for the Liberals,’ dropping any pretense of objectivity or balance.”

Tucker recently signed off his MSNBC show with this comment: “That does it for us. Thank you for watching, as always. We mean that sincerely to all eight of you.” MSNBC management was reportedly “infuriated” at Tucker’s flippant sign-off. Contact MSNBC here and tell them what you think of Tucker’s show.

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