Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Iowa Romney staff/’voters’ change story

UPDATE: Justin Hart has clarified with me that he has resigned from the Romney campaign’s Faith and Values Steering Committee.

More facts emerge that further raise questions about the Mitt Romney Phone Scandal phone calls placed to two Iowan supporters of Mitt Romney, Marshan Roth and Rose Kramer.

They both told reporters that they received phone calls on Wednesday of last week. Marshan Roth told the Salt Lake Tribune that she "got a call on Wednesday night." Rose Kramer told Dave Lightman from McClatchy that she was "waiting for the TV show ‘House’ to start at 8 p.m. Tuesday when a pollster called." However, she then told Reid Wilson from RCP that "she received around 8:30 p.m. on Wednesday."

Then they told blogger Justin Hart, an official in the Romney campaign who does not disclose that in his posts, that they had received calls on Tuesday. He posted statements in the comments of a Redstate post about these conversations.......

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