Monday, November 05, 2007

24 former intel officials demand hold on Mukasey


In a letter to Senate Judiciary Committee heads Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Arlen Specter (R-PA), 24 former intelligence officials today urged the senators to “not send Mukasey’s nomination to the full Senate before he makes clear his view on waterboarding.” From the letter:

If Mukasey continues to drag his feet, you need only to facilitate a classified briefing for him on waterboarding and the C.I.A. interrogation program. He will then be able to render an informed legal opinion. We strongly suggest that you sit in on any such briefing and that you invite the chairman and the ranking member of the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence to take part as well. Receiving the same briefing at the same time (and, ideally, having it taped) should enhance the likelihood of candor and make it possible for all to be–and to stay–on the same page on this delicate issue.

If the White House refuses to allow such a briefing, your committee must, in our opinion, put a hold on Mukasey’s nomination. We are aware that the president warned last week that it will be either Mukasey as our attorney general or no one. So be it.

Read the entire letter HERE

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