Friday, October 26, 2007

Turkey demands PKK extraditions


Turkey has given Iraq a list of Kurdish rebels and demanded their extradition.

Turkey's deputy PM said the list was handed to a high-level Iraqi delegation visiting Ankara. It was not immediately clear how many names it contained.

The visit by Iraqi and US officials is an attempt to avert a threatened Turkish ground attack on rebel bases inside Iraq.

Turkey has warned it will not tolerate more cross-border raids by Kurdistan Workers' Party (PKK) rebels.

Turkish Deputy Prime Minister Cemil Cicek said on CNN-Turk television: "We gave a list of PKK leaders and asked for help from Iraq."

The Iraqis arrived on Thursday in the Turkish capital, accompanied by US officials from the embassy in Baghdad, pledging concrete proposals to resolve the dispute.

The Turkish military has been shelling suspected rebel bases after massing troops along the border in recent days.......

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