Monday, October 22, 2007

Self-righteous warmongers phony patriots

Seattle Post-Intelligencer

You have to wonder if the whole conservative movement in the U.S. is living in a weird alternate reality in which the only thing that matters is what you say, and facts, consistency and honor mean nothing.

The recent remarks by Rush Limbaugh in which he called military men who opposed the Iraq war "phony soldiers" is another example of the strange world in which he (and a lot of neocons) exist. The reason: Limbaugh could be the poster boy of a group of war cheerleaders (including Dick Cheney, Mike Medved, Sean Hannity, Paul Wolfowitz, Karl Rove, Mike Savage, et al.) who chose to avoid military service when it was their turn. Now that the coast is clear, they've all morphed into self-righteous war boosters sitting in comfortable offices lecturing the rest of us about patriotism and duty.

Picture Osama bin Laden acting that way, relaxing in a La-Z-Boy recliner and urging his followers to do what he never did. He'd be ridiculed. And, while there is nothing to admire in bin Laden's murderous ideology, at least he actually put his money where his mouth is and fought for his cause........

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