Tuesday, October 16, 2007

GOP Presidential Runners' "Serious Sissy Slapping" Each Other.

Fred Thompson a Conservative? Not Hardly!

League of the Scarlet Pimpernel

A "conservative CFR member" is an oxymoron. There is no such thing. Fred Thompson is just such a phony. We think he's being offered up by the CFR to the uninformed Republican base to de-fuse the Ron Paul machine. The CFR is very concerned about Ron Paul's surging popularity. It should be pretty obvious that Fred has no real desire to go into the White House.......


Thompson likens voting for Giuliani to waving the flag of surrender to the Democratic Party

CBNNews.com - Republican presidential candidate Fred Thompson continued to push his conservative platform in Rudy Giuliani's stomping grounds Monday by labeling him as a liberal in Republican's clothing.

"Some think the way to beat the Democrats in November is to be more like them," the former Tennessee senator said. "I could not disagree more."

He likened voting for Giuliani to waving the flag of surrender to the Democratic Party.

"My friends, I suggest it's not time for psychological flexibilities in terms of our principles." continued Thompson. "That's the surefire way of making sure we don't win."


Mitt Romney: Romney's "Jihad" Ad Shows Lack of Foreign Policy Credentials

Washington, DC - As part of his multimillion-dollar marketing campaign, smooth talking Mitt Romney today rolled out a new ad, entitled "Jihad," that aims to distract from his complete lack of foreign policy credentials and litany of blunders on international affairs. Unfortunately for Romney, all the ad does is expose his superficial knowledge of the threat facing our country and highlight the fact that a Romney presidency would offer four more years of President Bush's failed foreign policy.

In the ad, Romney completely ignores the number one foreign policy issue in this campaign: the war in Iraq. Worse, Romney reiterates his misleading rhetoric about "violent, radical Islamic fundamentalism," declaring that "their goal is to unite the world under a single Jihadist caliphate" and "collapse freedom-loving nations like us." But, as critics have pointed out, Romney's ill-informed and dangerously oversimplified outline of the threat is "misleading" and completely ignores the reality on the ground in Iraq and in the Muslim world, including the facts that Shias and Sunnis are "fighting a civil war in Iraq" and many of the groups Romney typically cites "have not targeted the United States." [Boston Globe, 5/27/07; Texas Monthly, 8/07] Romney's rhetoric may not match reality, but it parallels President Bush's misleading efforts to generate support for his failed Iraq strategy by claiming the war is part of a broader plan to "establish a violent political utopia across the Middle East, which they call caliphate." [Remarks by President Bush, 9/5/06]

Romney's latest demonstration of his ignorance of the terrorist threat follows his claim earlier this year that catching Osama bin Laden is "insignificant," and "not worth moving Heaven and Earth" for. [Associated Press, 4/26/2007]

"Mitt Romney's new ad shows that he still has no plan for Iraq, no plan for capturing Osama bin Laden, and no understanding of the threat facing our country," said Democratic National Committee spokesman Damien LaVera. "Echoing President Bush's misleading rhetoric may help him with the right wing of the Republican Party, but if Romney doesn't understand the threat, how can he expect the American people to trust him with our national security?"............

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