Friday, October 26, 2007

Democrats respond to Bush's Delusion

WASHINGTON, Oct. 26 — President Bush chided Congressional Democrats today, accusing them of dithering on his nominee for attorney general and wasting time by passing legislation they know he will veto.

“They have yet to move Judge Michael Mukasey’s nomination to be attorney general out of the Senate Judiciary Committee, even as members complain about the lack of leadership at the Department of Justice,” Mr. Bush said in a White House appearance.

Democrats were quick to respond. “Democrats are working to address the needs Republican Congresses have severely under-funded,” said Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the Senate majority leader. “But President Bush — the biggest-spending president in 40 years — threatens to veto our requests based on the laughable claim that he is fiscally responsible.”

Mr. Reid accused the president of ignoring the country’s “critical priorities” at the same time he is seeking another $200 billion “for his mismanaged wars.”

“It is clear that President Bush’s priorities are simply not those of the American people,” Mr. Reid said.

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