Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Brown flies in for Baghdad visit


Gordon Brown has arrived in Baghdad on his first visit to Iraq since becoming UK prime minister.

It comes as Mr Brown is said to be considering a phased reduction of UK troops in Basra, cutting numbers by 2,000 to 3,000 by spring 2008.

After landing at Baghdad airport under heavy guard, Mr Brown went straight into talks with senior politicians including Prime Minister Nouri Maliki.

He is also due to meet the US commander in Iraq, Gen David Petraeus.

Commons statement

Mr Brown was taken by helicopter to the fortified Green Zone after arriving at Baghdad International Airport.

BBC political correspondent James Hardy says that according to officials, the purpose of the trip is to gauge the readiness of the Iraqi forces to take more control of their own security.

Mr Brown's visit comes ahead of his Commons statement next week on the future of the British mission in Basra.

Britain currently has 5,000 troops stationed at Basra Airport following the pull-out of about 500 from Basra Palace - their last remaining base in the city itself.

But Mr Brown has been advised that once the focus of troops is largely on training and mentoring Iraqi forces, numbers could drop from 5,000 to 3,000........

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