Sunday, October 21, 2007

2 GOP Lawmakers Allege Democrats Have Ties to Terrorism

RICHMOND -- Two Republican state legislators are accusing Gov. Timothy M. Kaine and other Democrats of embracing radical Islamic organizations that support terrorism, an allegation that has outraged the governor and Muslim leaders, who say the GOP is resorting to fear-mongering to win votes.

As Republicans work to retain their majorities in the General Assembly, the two delegates from the Shenandoah Valley say they are conducting an investigation into Democrats' ties to the Muslim American Society and Dar Al Hijrah Islamic Center, both in Falls Church.

Dels. C. Todd Gilbert (Shenandoah) and C.L. "Clay" Athey Jr. (Warren) allege that the society and mosque have links to terrorism, even though federal officials have found no such connection.

The delegates have been trying to connect Kaine and other Democrats to prominent Muslim leaders affiliated with the organizations. On Friday, Gilbert and Athey released a photograph of Kaine speaking at a Muslim American Society dinner this spring.

"It is clear to me that the leadership of the Virginia Democratic Party has compromised the best interests of the citizens of Virginia by cozying up to organizations and individuals that have radical agendas," Gilbert said in a statement Friday. "I am appalled by the utter lack of judgment that Democrats at the highest levels have shown in joining forces with a radical element of the Muslim faith for the sole purpose of filling the ballot box."

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous6:54 PM

    Where there is smoke, there might be fire. Islamic terrorism was in large part funded by Gulf State oligarchs.

    see the video:
    9/11 Syndicate- what Hollywood told us about the secret terror network
