Friday, September 07, 2007

US Senator Joseph Biden tells Iraqis to sort out future or see US leave

RAMADI, Iraq (AFP) — US Senator Joseph Biden told a gathering of tribal leaders and officials on Thursday that Iraqis must reconcile their differences as US troops would not stick around forever to shed their blood.

"Unity of Iraq is an Iraqi problem. America wants you to succeed and we will do whatever we can to enable you to succeed," said Biden, chairman of the powerful Senate Foreign Relations Committee and a presidential contender.

Speaking at a one-day forum in Ramadi, capital of Anbar province, just days after US President George W. Bush had stopped in the region to endorse peace initiatives, Biden said Iraq's future was in their hands.

"Only you can determine the future. It's encouraging to see central government assisting you in Anbar. In America we are waiting to see how extensive that cooperation will be," Biden said.

"If it is (extensive) you can count on America to stay, if it is not, we can say goodbye now.

"There are difficulties but if you continue (to make progress), we will also send you our sons and daughters to shed their blood with you, for you. But if you decide that you cannot live together, let us know. My son, who is a captain in the army, can stay home."........

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