Friday, September 28, 2007

Media Matters for America, September 28, 2007

Limbaugh expands group of "phony soldiers" to include Vietnam veteran Murtha

On his radio show, Rush Limbaugh defended his statement characterizing service members who advocate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq as "phony soldiers" and expanded the group of "phony soldiers" to include Vietnam veteran Rep. John P. Murtha. Read more

Limbaugh selectively edited "phony soldiers" clip, claimed it was "the entire transcript"

In response to Media Matters' documentation of his recent description of service members who advocate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq as "phony soldiers," Rush Limbaugh claimed that he had not been talking "about the anti-war movement generally," but rather "about one soldier ... Jesse MacBeth." Limbaugh then purported to air the "entire" segment in question. In fact, the clip he aired omitted a full 1 minute and 35 seconds of discussion that occurred between Limbaugh's original "phony soldiers" comment and his subsequent reference to MacBeth. Read more

Like radio show, transcript on selectively edits his "phony soldiers" comments

Media Matters for America has previously noted how, during the September 28 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, in response to Media Matters' documentation of his recent characterization of service members who advocate U.S. withdrawal from Iraq as "phony soldiers," Rush Limbaugh selectively edited an audio clip of the September 26 exchange while calling it "the entire transcript" of the segment. Limbaugh claimed that "Media Matters had the transcript, but they selectively choose what they want to make their point. Here is, it runs about 3 minutes and 13 seconds, the entire transcript, in context, that led to this so-called controversy." Excised from the clip, however, was a full 1 minute and 35 seconds of discussion
that occurred between Limbaugh's original "phony soldiers" comment and his subsequent reference to "one soldier ... Jesse MacBeth." Read more

Limbaugh falsely recasts "phony soldiers" smear

Rush Limbaugh insisted that his September 26 remarks characterizing U.S. service members who support withdrawal from Iraq as "phony soldiers" had been taken out of context and that he was referring specifically to "one genuine, convicted, lying, fake soldier," Jesse MacBeth. But Limbaugh did not refer to MacBeth during his September 26 broadcast until 1 minute, 50 seconds after making his "phony soldiers" comment, and at no point on that show prior to making his "phony soldiers" comment did Limbaugh refer to any actual fake soldiers. Additionally, on September 28, Limbaugh misrepresented those comments. Read more

CNN's Sanchez noted O'Reilly falsehood about on-air complaints

On CNN's Out in the Open, Rick Sanchez said Bill O'Reilly "told me on the phone that nobody complained about the show that he had done on the air," referring to the radio show in which O'Reilly made controversial comments about race. Sanchez continued: "Guess what? Somebody did complain on the air to him directly." Sanchez then aired audio of a caller's complaint -- identified by Media Matters -- about O'Reilly's race-related comments during the same radio show. Read more

Rev. Jackson to O'Reilly: "[T]o underestimate the civility of blacks was insulting to many people"

During the September 27 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, the Rev. Jesse Jackson asked host Bill O'Reilly what he was "trying to say" during the September 19 broadcast of his radio show when he made controversial remarks about his visit to Sylvia's, a restaurant in Harlem. O'Reilly replied: "The hour was on how ... many whites fear blacks. And fear drives racism, as you know. Fear drives it. And I said to my audience, 'Look, this is a restaurant like any other restaurant,' but a lot of whites are afraid to go there." Jackson then told O'Reilly:
"What concerns me is that fear and ignorance, you know, lead to hatred and leads to violence, obviously. ... And so, to underestimate the civility of blacks was insulting to many people." O'Reilly countered: "Who underestimated the civility of blacks?" Read more

Limbaugh previously called Vietnam veteran Kerry "a fraud," "a total phony"

Rush Limbaugh's characterization of service members who advocate U.S. withdrawal from
Iraq as "phony soldiers" was not the first time that he has labeled a military service member a "phony." On his June 27 radio show, Limbaugh said of Sen. John Kerry, whose Vietnam record was the subject of a smear campaign by the discredited Swift Boat Veterans and POWs for Truth: "The guy's a fraud! He's a total phony, and people were able to see it!" Read more

Drudge Report, ABC highlight AP article that left out key data on Bush/Clinton "dynasty" issue

The Drudge Report and both highlighted an Associated Press article that cited an NBC/Wall Street Journal poll that, the article said, "found that fully one-quarter of all Americans said that the prospect of having at least 24 straight years of a President Clinton or Bush would be a consideration in their vote for president in 2008." But the AP left out the data on other responses to the question -- that a majority of respondents, 54 percent, said it would "not be a consideration at all." Nor did the AP report that the poll also found that 42 percent of respondents "feel positive" that former President Bill Clinton is Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's (D-NY) husband, while only 28 percent "feel negative" about it. Read more

Savage on "gay, fascist website" Media Matters, a "bunch of punk coward psychotics"

While discussing Bill O'Reilly's controversial comments about his visit to Sylvia's restaurant in Harlem, Michael Savage once again called Media Matters for America a "gay, fascist website." He added, "[T]hey attack me, O'Reilly, or whoever they can get their hands on that's a conservative because they think that we're anti-gay. They're psychotic. They're off their medication most of the time."Read more

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