Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Media Matters for America, September 25, 2007

O'Reilly told CNN that Harlem restaurant comments were "hatchet job by Media Matters"

On CNN's Out in the Open, Rick Sanchez and CNN contributor Roland Martin discussed Bill O'Reilly's statement that he was surprised there was "no difference" between Sylvia's restaurant in the Harlem neighborhood of Manhattan and other New York restaurants, even though Sylvia's is "run by blacks." Sanchez reported that during an "animated" phone conversation, O'Reilly denied any "racial intent" in his comments and described the story as "a hatchet job by Media Matters." Read more

Fox News' "body language expert" accused Clinton of exhibiting "evil laughter"

On the September 24 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, during the weekly "Body Language" segment, which, according to host Bill O'Reilly, "has been switched to Mondays because of popular demand," Fox News body language expert Tonya Reiman asserted that Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) exhibited "evil laughter" during her recent Fox News Sunday interview with host Chris Wallace. After playing video clips of Clinton laughing at different moments during the interview, O'Reilly asserted: "Well, she looked like she's having a swell time." Reiman replied: "Oh, contrived, contrived. That was the first word that came to mind." O'Reilly then asked: "[Y]ou mean, those laughs weren't genuine?" to which Reiman responded: "I saw some evil laughter." "Evil?" O'Reilly asked. "Evil laughter," Reiman repeated. Read more

Fox News lashed out at media criticism of O'Reilly's racially charged comments

During the September 25 edition of CNN Newsroom, co-host Don Lemon and anchor Rick Sanchez discussed the recent statement by Fox News host Bill O'Reilly that he was surprised "there was no difference between Sylvia's restaurant [in Harlem] and any other restaurant in New York City ... even though [Sylvia's is] run by blacks." Sanchez stated that "every African-American that I've talked to since this -- and my God, have I gotten a bevy of phone calls on this, inside and outside the business -- people are actually offended. They ... call this a subtle type of racism. It's not the 'hit you over the head with a hammer' type; it's the 'velvet glove' type." He then said that, during a September 24 phone conversation, O'Reilly "didn't want any part of it" and "was screaming the entire conversation," adding, "He was not happy with me." As Media Matters for America noted, on the September 24 edition of CNN's Out in the Open, Sanchez also recounted his "animated" conversation with O'Reilly, saying that O'Reilly denied any "racial intent" in his comments and described the story as "a hatchet job by Media
." Read more

MSNBC asks about "GOP hypocrisy?" in denunciations of MoveOn but silence on Limbaugh's "Senator Betrayus" comments

While discussing what he suggested might be "hypocrisy when it comes to political attacks" with regard to a MoveOn.org ad headlined "General Petraeus or General Betray Us?" and comments by Rush Limbaugh about "Senator Betrayus, new name for Senator Hagel," MSNBC's David Shuster asked Rep. Marsha Blackburn, "Where was the outrage when Rush Limbaugh said this about Republican Senator Chuck Hagel over one of the senator's stances on Iraq?" Read more

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