Sunday, September 23, 2007

Media Matters for America, September 23, 2007

Time's Klein falsely asserted Clinton "had to return" $850,000 in contributions "to the skeevy Norman Hsu"

In a column in the September 20 edition of Time, Joe Klein asserted, "If she is to win the Democratic nomination, [Sen. Hillary Rodham] Clinton [NY] will have to do a fair amount of baggage shedding between now and the primaries." Klein continued: "Some of it -- like her current fund-raising imbroglio, the $850,000 she had to return to the skeevy Norman Hsu -- is a debilitating reminder of Clinton-era misdemeanors." Hsu, a "bundler" who solicited friends and associates to make contributions to Clinton's presidential campaign, was recently charged with fraud and violating campaign finance laws. But contrary to Klein's suggestion that Clinton's campaign received $850,000 from Hsu himself and subsequently returned that sum to him, Clinton received $23,000 in contributions from Hsu, which her campaign "said ... it would give to charity," rather than return it to Hsu, as The New York Times noted in an August 30 article . According to a statement posted on Clinton's presidential campaign website, her campaign is also "returning approximately $850,000 to about 260 donors who gave to the campaign through Mr. Hsu and that it is implementing even more vigorous vetting procedures for its fundraisers."

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Wash. Post's Murray cited flawed poll, repeated GOP claim that "the public has grown more patient on Iraq"

In a Washington Post article, Shailagh Murray wrote: "GOP Senate offices circulated the results of a Gallup poll released this week that showed 54 percent of those surveyed think [Gen. David] Petraeus's plan for removing troops is the right pace, or even too quick." However, this poll question did not explain to respondents how many troops Petraeus' plan called for removing or over what period of time this withdrawal would take place. Other polling shows that when respondents are told specifically what Petraeus recommended, the results are dramatically different. Read more

NY Times' Bai accused Dems of inconsistency on MoveOn vote, but said nothing of GOP

In a New York Times Magazine article on a Republican resolution condemning's ad criticizing Gen. David Petraeus, writer Matt Bai asserted that Sens. Hillary Rodham Clinton and Barack Obama "voted for a lighter Democratic version of the resolution, but Mrs. Clinton voted against the final Republican measure and Mr. Obama skipped the vote as a protest. You might say they voted for it before they voted against it." While Bai highlighted this purported inconsistency, he did not note that only two Republican senators voted for the "Democratic version of the resolution."Read more

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