Saturday, September 01, 2007

Foreshadows of "The Kennebunkport Warning"

Captain Eric H. May, the Internet intelligence writer, wise in on the controversy surrounding The Kennebunkport Warning, which has been a non-stop item of conversation in the web since its publication Monday.

Foreshadows of "The Kennebunkport Warning"

By Captain Eric H. May
Military Correspondent

The Kennebunkport Warning is short and strident at 200 words. It has been posted widely on the Internet, and in last week's edition of The Lone Star Iconoclast. Since then, though, it has come under sustained fire from a swiftboat attack aimed at its authors and signers, and even its word choices. Every aspect of the document has been called into question -- except its content.

It warns that soon the Bush administration may stage another 911 at home, or a Gulf of Tonkin incident abroad, to justify domestic dictatorship and a war on Iran.

One of the document signers, Webster Tarpley, published "Cheney determined to strike US with WMD this summer" on July 21, and it contains most of the evidence upon which The Kennebunkport Warning is based. I agreed with Tarpley. On July 22, a day later, my own "Next 9/11, Summer 2007?" was published, and made the same argument.

I'd like to say that we were the first to develop the thesis of a soon-to-come false flag attack followed by dictatorship and world war, but we weren't. I can name at least four prominent Americans who beat us to it:

Texas Congressman Ron Paul was quite direct in his January 11 speech to the US House of Representatives: "I am concerned," he said, "that a contrived Gulf of Tonkin- type incident may occur to gain popular support for an attack on Iran." For years Paul has been saying that post-9/11 contrivances such as the Patriot Act, the Homeland Security Agency and the US Northern Command, if not abolished, will result in our loss of civil liberties and the establishment of a US dictatorship.

Colonel Ann Wright, a former diplomat and retired Army Reserve officer, gave an April 16 speech at Brown University. In it she decried the massive buildup of US naval forces in the Persian Gulf. "There will be a war there," she said, adding "the United States will cook up something and say 'the Iranians did this to us, so we've got to retaliate.'"

Cindy Sheehan, the peace mom and congressional candidate, also sounded the alarm. In his July 12 article, "Sheehan: Distinct Chance Of Staged Attack, Martial Law", Paul Joseph Watson quoted Sheehan's remarks from The Alex Jones Show:

"I definitely think that is a distinct possibility, that there will be some kind of attack whether it's manufactured or real....I think it's really possible that these people will do that - why would he [Bush] put in that presidential directive if he didn't need to use it - I think it's really really frightening."

She was referring to National Security Presidential Directive 51, signed into effect May 9, by which Bush can assume control of all federal, state and local government in the aftermath of a natural disaster or mass-casualty terror attack.

Oregon Congressman Peter Defazio, in an interview published by The Oregonian July 20, complained that the White House had refused his request to see the secret details of NSPD 51. "Maybe the people who think there's a conspiracy out there are right," he said. DeFazio, a House Homeland Security Committee member, later joined with Committee Chairman Bernie Thompson to co-author a letter requesting permission to read the whole directive. The White House refused again. The congressman noted that this was the first time in 20 years he had been refused access to an official document.

So Ron Paul, Ann Wright, Cindy Sheehan and Peter Defazio deserve full credit for preceding Webster Tarpley and me in making the points used in The Kennebunkport Warning. No doubt each of them has come under attack for his or her courageous words, but steadfastness in adversity is what defines character.

End note: 911 Blogger has posted a photo of the original document, with signatures:

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Captain May is a former Army military intelligence and public affairs officer, as well as a former NBC editorial writer. His political and military analyses have appeared in The Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and Military Intelligence Magazine.


(Location) Houston, Texas

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