Wednesday, September 12, 2007

CBS Defends Katie Couric’s Iraq ‘Puff Pieces’: Bloggers Are ‘Not Intelligent’


Last week, CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric reported from Iraq, but her stories largely repeated the Bush administration’s talking points. On Sept. 2, Couric even admitted on CBS’s Face the Nation that her rosy reports were based on “what the U.S. military want[ed]” her to see:

And so, you do see signs of life that seem to be normal. Of course, that’s what the U.S. military wants me to see, so you have to keep that in mind as well. But I think there are definitely areas where the situation is improving.

Watch it Link

A member recently wrote to CBS, expressing the opinion that Couric’s reports appeared to be “puff pieces scripted by the institutions it purports to be investigating.” CBS’s response questioned the “intelligence” of the person, adding that he or she probably found the “information from a blog somewhere”:

CBS’s viewers evidently agreed with the MoveOn member. Last week, Couric’s ratings “averaged 5.4 million viewers, the lowest ratings on record since the current ratings system took effect in 1987, according to Nielsen Media Research.”


  1. Not intellegent eh..? Seems to me hiring Katie is also proving to be anything but.. I watched her reports, and I don't have much to say about them one way or another.. I will say this: At the very least she went there to report which is more than I can say for the rest of them.. Is there a flack and helmet that would even fit Rush?

  2. I wanted to add that the story Lara Logan did on the Russian made hand grenades was anything but fluff.
