Thursday, September 20, 2007

9/11 widow is not afraid of Ahmandinejad at Ground Zero, so why is everybody else

Daily News Weblogs

The folks who take out their frustrations in the Persian Gulf out on have now moved on themselves, into a tizzy over the possibility that Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad might lay a wreath at Ground Zero when he comes to New York to address the UN. How dare he, after his country attacked us on 9/11. Well, that's what I'm sure millions of Fox News viewers are thinking tonight, right?

Anyway, Josh Marshall has a great post on the latest nonsense tonight. Now you may be saying, who cares what he thinks, he's just a blogger (a blogger who's taken down an Attorney General and Senate Majority Leader in his short career, but still...). So don't take his word for it, take the word of Kristen Breitwesier (shown at top), whose husband Ronald was killed at the World Trade Center that morning:

So, no, I wasn't angry that Ahmandinejad wanted to visit Ground Zero. I was angry, however, at the "pack mentality" of our leading journalists. I was also dismayed -- but not surprised -- at the similar mentality of our current crop of political officials and presidential candidates, several of whom provided the same predictable, politically-correct sound-bite: "We are OUTRAGED!"

What I would have preferred was some real statesmanship.

Real statesmanship would be a presidential candidate with the courage to encourage potentially dangerous, misinformed leaders like Ahmandinejad to visit Ground Zero, in the hopes that they might learn something.


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