Monday, August 06, 2007

Pentagon Loses Track Of Weapons For Iraqi Forces

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Pentagon cannot account for 190,000 AK-47 rifles and pistols given to Iraqi security forces in 2004 and 2005, or about half the weapons earmarked for soldiers and police, according to a government report.

The Government Accountability Office, the investigative arm of the U.S. Congress, said in a July 31 report to lawmakers that the Defense Department also cannot account for 135,000 items of body armor and 115,000 helmets reported to be issued to Iraqi forces as of September 22, 2005.

The GAO said the Pentagon concurred with its findings and has begun a review to ensure full accountability for the program to train and equip Iraqi forces.

"However, our review of the 2007 property books found continuing problems with missing and incomplete records," the GAO report said......


  1. Anonymous10:44 AM

    In 2002, Saddam couldn't account for about 10% of the WMD he allegedly had in the 1980's when at war with Iran.

    His property was destroyed, many family members killed, and then he was hung by the neck.

  2. Anonymous12:03 PM

    Well, I really can't say that I'm too surprised by all this. It's our genius government hard at work again. What probably happened to a lot of those weapons is that taliban members posed as pro-american iraqi's, we armed them, they turned around and took all the weapons back to the other taliban members. The government never seems to learn from its past mistakes. Bush is making a lot of the same mistakes this time around that LBJ made during Vietnam. If Bush had just let the actual military leaders handle this war, it would probably be over and done with already. But instead you have a bunch of suits who don't know the first thing about the military or war, making all the decisions thousands of miles from anything even slightly resembling a war when they don't have a clue about what it's like out there. Then you have the government under-arming and under-supplying our troops and basically setting them up for disaster by giving them under-armored, under-armed vehicles for their convoys. Those convoys are sitting ducks in those streets, and a lot of times for the taliban it's like shooting fish in a barrell. It took a lot of our troops dying for the geniuses in Washington to realize this. And it's funny because we're pretty much being fought with our own weapons anyways from when we helped the taliban fight the Russians way back in the day. It seems to be a repeat cycle, we help liberate or save someones hide, then ten or twenty years down the road, they turn on us and we end up having to take down an army that we helped train and arm. And look now how we helped Iran during the Gulf War, and now they are trying to start shit with us. It's sad that we live in a world where people thank you for helping them out by trying to kill you. You would think with all this that has happened in the past that the government would monitor any weapons handed out extremely tightly, but then again you think of all the illegal arms deals that our government does every year and I guess it's not really that big of a deal that this happened, I mean it would be the first time that we've basically handed the bad guys lots of our guns. The U.S. government is one of the most if not the most corrupt business in the entire world. And that's part of the reason why this country is headed in the direction it is because the people we have running this country and "leading" this country only care about themselves and the size of their wallets. That's it. Oh, and their popularity. None of the politicians will ever do the right thing or things because that would mean losing votes and for them popularity and making money is way more important than doing the right thing or helping those who actually need it instead of stealing from the poor and giving to the rich. Our founding fathers are rolling over in their graves seeing what this country and this countries government has turnd into. It has essentially turned into the exact same thing they were trying to get away from. I hate it because I look at the flag and I get the feeling of what it's supposed to stand for and what this country is supposed to stand for, and that part I love, but the problem is there is what this country is supposed to have been, and what it really is. Two completely different things and the only way we will ever have any hope of getting this country back in the original intended direction is if we elect a president who is not a true politician. Someone who wants to be president to make changes and do good, not just to be president and make the money. It's politicians that have ruined this country and it's politicians that will continue to ruin this country. And on top of all that we have this war going on now with no end in sight and with a lot of the country wondering what the hell we're even doing over there. I have heard one theory about 9/11 and Bush that seems kind of conspiracy theory, but makes sense. The theory goes that Bush knew ahead of time about the attack on the twin towers and was even involved. Before you sigh and roll your eyes, just keep an open mind here. Bush has had a grudge against Saddam ever since the first Gulf War but he knows that there is no way in hell that he could get the U.S. to support him just randomyl going to war with Saddam, so 9/11 happens and suddenly every single last American is screaming kill those bastards, suddenly, he's got the support of the people to go to war. This is where the point is proven, Bin Laden admitted responsibility for the attacks and said it would happen again and again. So, Bush gets approval to hunt down Bin laden and so it begins. But then everything completely flip-flops. Suddenly, magically, for no reason Saddam Hussein is suddenly our main target and nobody seems to care about Bin laden anymore. What happened there? It seems to me that if Bush was truly ignorant to the planning of the attacks and had nothing to do with it, why the hell wouldn't he have gone after Bin Laden? And then we later find out that the Bush family has ties with the Bin Laden family. That will never be proven of course, but doesn't it seem odd to anybody else that we okay an attack on Bin Laden and suddenly mid flight, Bush has the military v-line for Saddam instead. And then that genius move he made where he said that we are going to surprise bomb you in 30 days, giving them all the time they need to get any WMD's out, any laboratories disassembled, etc. There's just way too much coincidence, way too much bs on the part of our president and he stood to benefit too much from all of this for him not to be connected. He's been determined to sell this country out from day one. Why else would he want to put our port security in the hands of the people we can trust the very least at this point? Why is he selling our oil that we have in this country, why is he selling those to foreign countries? Shouldn't we have a death grip on any oil that comes out of our soil? And then the fact that they want to give free social security and welfare to illegal immigrants, the list goes on and on and if I didn't know any better, which I guess I don't, it would almost seem that Bush is intent on killing this country or atleast weakening it to the point that it's damn near defenseless. And the fact that our votes for president truly do not mean anything doesn't help restore my confidence in our government. By setting up polling booths and allowing us to "vote" for our president, it's enough to shut us up and make us think that our vote counts and make us think that it truly is the people that elect their president. But it's not. Electoral college chooses and there have been several cases where the president who got elected did not win the popular public vote. It makes you wonder what all the government is hiding from us. Things they seem to think are for the "greater good".
