Friday, August 17, 2007

Media Matters for America

O'Reilly didn't mention Giuliani's 1994 invite to illegal immigrants who "work hard"

On The O'Reilly Factor, Bill O'Reilly noted a viewer's complaint that during his August 14 interview with Rudy Giuliani, O'Reilly failed to confront Giuliani "about what he said 10 years ago on illegal immigration. He protected illegals." O'Reilly did not bring up a 1994 speech in which then-Mayor Giuliani reportedly vowed to "protect" illegal immigrants and stated: "If you come here and you work hard and you happen to be in an undocumented status, you're one of the people who we want in this city." Read more

NY Times reported Rove claims about Clinton's votes on surveillance without noting they are false

In writing about Karl Rove's August 15 appearance on Rush Limbaugh's radio show, New York Times reporter Patrick Healy reported that Rove claimed Sen. Hillary Clinton "opposed the USA Patriot Act, domestic surveillance programs and other antiterrorism measures." The Times did not note that Clinton, in fact, voted for both the original USA Patriot Act in 2001 and its reauthorization in 2006. Healy also misrepresented what Rove actually said when he falsely accused Clinton of opposing certain changes to the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act.
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After suggesting Vince Foster was murdered, Hannity praised caller who accused Clinton of multiple rapes

While discussing Sen. Hillary Clinton's newest campaign ad, Sean Hannity agreed with a caller who argued that "Monica Lewinsky and all those other women that Bill Clinton raped were invisible to her." Hannity replied, "I wish I'd thought of that." Read more

Fox News' Angle, Wash. Post editorial misrepresented upcoming Iraq report as "Petraeus' report"

Fox News' Jim Angle asserted that the upcoming report to Congress on the Iraq war will be "General David Petraeus' report." In fact, the bill mandating the report requires that President Bush submit the report to Congress and that Petraeus "be made available to testify in open and closed sessions before the relevant committees of the Congress." Similarly, a Washington Post editorial contradicted its own paper's reporting in asserting that Petraeus is "expected to elaborate" on his claims of progress in Iraq "in a report to Congress in September." Read more

Jon Stewart: "[S]ome idiot from Fox ... call[ed] me a phony"

On the August 15 edition of Comedy Central's The Daily Show, host Jon Stewart briefly mentioned comments that, as Media Matters for America has noted, John Gibson and his Fox News Radio show's executive producer made on August 10 and again on August 14, mocking Stewart's emotional on-air reaction after the 9-11 terror attacks as "phony." On The Daily Show, during an interview with Stephen F. Hayes, author of Cheney: The Untold Story of American's Most Powerful and Controversial Vice President, (HarperCollins, July 2007) about Hayes' characterization of Vice President Dick Cheney, Stewart said that "there's a real feeling in this country that your patriotism has been questioned by ... people in ... very high-level positions. Not fringe people." Stewart continued: "I myself had some idiot from Fox playing the tape of me after September 11th -- very upset. And them calling me a phony ... because, apparently, my grief didn't mean acquiescence." Read more

Morgan named "Worst Person" for attacks on's Soltz

On Countdown, Keith Olbermann named Melanie Morgan the "winner" of his nightly "Worst Person in the World" segment for asserting that Jon Soltz, co-founder and chairman of, violated military law by engaging in political activism while serving in the Army Reserve. Read more

Worst of the Web Today: Taranto ignored Bush attacks in '99, claiming he "for the most part ignored" Clinton editor James Taranto claimed that "[e]ight years ago," then-presidential candidate George W. Bush "understood that he was not running against Bill Clinton and for the most part ignored him." In fact, Bush repeatedly attacked the Clinton administration throughout 1999. Read more

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