Monday, August 06, 2007

Bush and Afghan President Differ Over Iran’s Role

CAMP DAVID, Md., Aug. 6 — President Bush and President Hamid Karzai of Afghanistan, close allies in the fight against terrorism, found much to agree about today as they wrapped up a two-day summit meeting here, with one major exception: the role of Iran in Afghanistan.

Mr. Karzai characterized Iran as “a helper” in a CNN television interview shown on Sunday. But when the two men greeted reporters here, Mr. Bush pointedly disagreed with Mr. Karzai’s assessment, saying, “I would be very cautious about whether the Iranian influence in Afghanistan is a positive force.”

Iran has sent field workers to Afghanistan to provide aid to villages, but American official also believe Tehran is funneling weapons into the country. Mr. Bush has long viewed Iran as a state sponsor of terrorism and is deeply suspicious of that country’s nuclear ambitions — a view he reiterated today even as he said he was “willing to listen” to Mr. Karzai’s view.

“The president knows best about what’s taking place in his country, and of course, I’m willing to listen,” Mr. Bush said. “But from my perspective, the burden of proof is on the Iranian government to show us that they’re a positive force.”.....

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