Monday, July 23, 2007

US(Zealots) and Iran(Zealots) to discuss Iraq chaos

Mon Jul 23 2007

US and Iranian envoys will hold talks in Baghdad to discuss Iraq's worsening chaos.

Washington accuses Shi'ite Muslim Iran of fomenting violence in Iraq by backing militants.

Iran denies the charges and blames the US-led invasion of 2003 for bloodshed between Iraq's majority Shi'ite and minority Sunni Muslim Arabs.

But the growing conflict has pushed the two countries, which have not had diplomatic ties since shortly after Iran's 1979 revolution, to seek common ground.

Iraqi Foreign Minister Hoshiyar Zebari said the ambassadors to Iraq from both countries would lead the talks, with Iraqi government officials present.

Iranian ambassador Hassan Kazemi-Qomi and US ambassador Ryan Crocker met in Baghdad on May 28 to discuss Iraq, in the most high-profile contact between the two enemy states for almost three decades.

Both envoys described those talks as positive and Iraq has been urging the two sides to meet again.

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