Monday, July 30, 2007

US envoy accuses Saudis on Iraq


The US ambassador at the UN, Zalmay Khalilzad, has accused Saudi Arabia of undermining efforts to stabilise Iraq.
Mr Khalilzad said he was referring to Saudi Arabia in an article last week in which he said US friends were pursuing destabilising policies.

His comments came just hours before a Middle East tour by the Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, and the Defence Secretary, Robert Gates.

The two top officials will visit Saudi Arabia and Egypt together.

Ms Rice and Mr Gates are expected to ask Saudi King Abdullah for greater cooperation on Iraq.

Arms deal

Mr Khalilzad told CNN in an interview that his opinion piece for the New York Times last week was referring to Saudi Arabia among other countries.

"We would expect and want them to help us on this strategic issue more than they are doing. And at times, some of them are not only not helping, are doing things that undermine the effort to make progress," he said.....

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