Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Soldier Admits Lesser Crimes in Iraq Killings

FORT CAMPBELL, Ky.(AP) — A soldier accused of acting as a lookout while other troops raped a 14-year-old Iraqi girl and killed her, her parents and her sister pleaded guilty to some lesser offenses on Monday as his court-martial on rape and murder charges began.

The defendant, Pfc. Jesse V. Spielman of the 101st Airborne Division, admitted arson, conspiracy to obstruct justice, wrongfully touching a corpse and drinking. His lawyer, Craig Carlson, said Private Spielman’s plea was part of an agreement with prosecutors involving crimes to which he had already confessed in interviews with military investigators.

Private Spielman, 22, of Chambersburg, Pa., still faces trial on the more serious charges. Though he is not accused of directly taking part in the attack, a soldier present at a crime can be convicted under military law if he had prior knowledge it would occur.

The defense has argued that Private Spielman had no such prior knowledge. But two of the three other soldiers who have pleaded guilty in the case have told investigators that he knew of the plan to rape the girl, Abeer Qassim al-Janabi, and was present when they discussed details over swigs of whiskey.......

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