Monday, July 16, 2007

Richardson Wants to Overhaul Patriot Act


Democratic presidential hopeful Bill Richardson told a group of trial lawyers Sunday that his Justice Department would be free of White House influence when it prosecutes cases.

"I will appoint someone who I will direct and say: 'You will be an attorney general for the people. I don't want to even see you talking to the political arm of the White House staff,'" said Richardson, taking a swipe at President Bush's embattled Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, a former White House counsel.


On Sunday, Richardson pledged that if elected, he would seek to overhaul the Patriot Act, the law pushed by Bush to expand law enforcement authority in the name of fighting terrorism.

Richardson also gave a near-failing grade to a Supreme Court that has veered to the right following the confirmation of two Bush appointees to the court, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Samuel Alito.

"No. 1., we will not eavesdrop on our citizens without a court order," he said....

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