Monday, July 02, 2007

Most oppose pardon for Libby in CIA leak case


Most Americans don't want President Bush to pardon Vice President Cheney's convicted former chief of staff Lewis Libby, according to a new poll from CNN.

"Nearly 70 percent of Americans oppose a presidential pardon for former White House aide Lewis 'Scooter' Libby after his conviction on perjury and other charges related to a CIA agent's exposure, according to a CNN poll out Monday," the news network reports.

Less than 20 percent support a Libby pardon, the article states.

"A narrow majority," reveals CNN, "said they believe Cheney was part of a cover-up in the case." Sixty percent of those polled also said they didn't consider Cheney "qualified to serve as president should it become necessary; only 32 percent said he would be qualified to lead the country himself.".......

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