Sunday, July 22, 2007

Media Matters for America, July 22, 2007

Politico's Smith charged Clinton "seems to be breaching" a "less-aggression" pact with News Corp.

In a July 20 entry to his blog, Politico senior political writer Ben Smith linked to a statement in which Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) urged her presidential campaign supporters to petition Fox News host Bill O'Reilly to "stop smearing grassroots progressives" in light of his recen persistent comparisons of the blog Daily Kos to Nazis and the Ku Klux Klan.

Smith added: "Hillary seems to be breaching what had been an unspoken non-aggression (or, rather, less-aggression) pact between the Clintons and O'Reilly employer (and Glover Park Group client) News Corp." In fact, Media Matters for America has documented many recent examples of News Corp. media outlets and their employees -- including the New York Post and Weekly Standard -- and Fox News personalities, including O'Reilly, making false, misleading,or outrageous claims about Hillary Clinton. Read more

Fox News Sunday host portrayed Dems as obstructers of defense authorization bill

On the July 22 edition of Fox Broadcasting Co.'s Fox News Sunday, host Chris Wallace cast the Democrats, rather than the Republicans, as the party that is obstructing legislation on Iraq, asserting that "after Democrats failed to win a vote to pull troops out, Senator [Senate Majority Leader Harry] Reid [D-NV] pulled the defense authorization bill, blocking votes for any other ideas for how to deal with Iraq."

In fact, Republicans blocked an up or down vote on a Democratic amendment on withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq -- which is why "Democrats failed to win a vote." Also, as reported in a July 20 New York Times article on the vote, following the defeat, Reid "proposed that the Senate take up a series of Iraq proposals and make them all subject to a simple majority vote, including the withdrawal plan that had just failed." Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell's (R-KY) objection to that proposal prompted Reid to pull the legislation altogether. Read more

On Meet the Press, NY Times' Brooks admitted to pulling number of possible Iraqi deaths "out of the air"

On the July 22 edition of NBC's Meet the Press, discussing the number of Iraqis that could be killed following a withdrawal of U.S. troops from the country, New York Times columnist David Brooks asked "are we willing to prevent 10,000 Iraqi deaths a month at the cost of 125 Americans?" Brooks initially tried to attribute the "10,000" figure to New York Times Baghdad bureau chief John Burns and the National Intelligence Estimate, but later admitted, "I just picked out 10,000 out of the air." Read more

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