Friday, July 20, 2007

Friday SEX news from around the world (7/20/07)

New books help in the bedroom (2007-07-20)
Tracey Cox's ne book Quickies, and Dr Pam Spurr's Sensational Sex: The Revolutionary Guide to Sexual Pleasure and Fulfilment, may be all the you need to pep-up your sex life

Better Sex gets better web site (2007-07-20)
The Sinclair Institute which pioneered the Better Sex Video Series, is giving its web site a face life

TV show sex scenes disconcerting (2007-07-20)
HBO's new drama Tell Me You Love Me, has sex scenes described as disconcerting, telling the personal and sexual lives of four couples

Celebrating the sexiness of disabled people (2007-07-20)
Artist, filmmaker and academic Loree Erickson has put together a Toronto's first accessible sex party, called Reclaiming the Gaze, to celebrate disability and sex [

Trantric sex can last for hours (2007-07-20)
Jurica Radovic investigates tantric sex, its history, and what it is all about

Horny Hadith Friday (2007-07-20)
Topic started by mooli on Jul 20, 2007 8:08:39 am Volume 7, Book 62, Number 13h: Narrated Abu Huraira: I said, "O Allah's Apostle! I am a young man and I am afraid that I may commit illegal sexual intercourse ...

Communication and Controversy (2007-07-20)
Barrack Hussein Obama said that age-appropriate sex education for Kingergarderners is fine.

Moran wants to hold abstinence-only programs to higher standard (2007-07-20)
A provision in the fiscal-year 2008 Labor, Health and Human Services Appropriations Bill introduced by Virginia Democratic Congressman Jim Moran would require federally funded abstinence-only sex-education ...

Rwanda launches key test of WTO drug patent waiver (2007-07-20)
... broader problem." A volunteer from the Durbar Mahila Samanay Committee (DMSC) demonstrates how to use a female condom to sex workers during an HIV/AIDS awareness campaign at a red-light area in the northeastern Indian city of Siliguri July 6, 2007. ...

Rant on personal responsibility is way off (2007-07-20)
... Using Ms. Lapella's mean-spirited logic, the solutions to these problems would be: Low-income people must stop having sex, since there is no 100 percent safe and effective means of birth control, and even if there were, AHCCCS wouldn't cover it. ...

Why I heart Massachusetts (2007-07-20)
Gov. Deval Patrick on Thursday vetoed a provision in the state budget measure that would have accepted a $700,000 federal grant for abstinence-only sex education classes, the Boston Herald reports .

Rise in (2007-07-20)
... control body, put the rise in infections down to young heterosexual adults and gay men failing to practise safe sex. Dr Gwenda Hughes, head of the agency's sexual health department, said: "The groups who we are most concerned about are young adults ...

Strategies to avoid Potter poopers (2007-07-20)
... our feelings, what we know, we know the answer and we want to tell it to people." That means intimate details about your sex life, college spring break escapades or the Harry Potter ending is all considered fair game for public fodder, Farley said. ...

Janet Jackson signs to ... (2007-07-20)
... and social consicence (Rhythm nation), it all came together perfectly with the ''Janet'' album which had a little bit of sex but not too much. It all got a bit lost after that, ''Velvet rope'' just repeated the formula of ''Janet'' but less ...

Most people want (2007-07-20)
London: The biggest ever global sex survey, wherein a staggering 27,000 people, aged 18-30, expressed their saucy desires, has revealed that people want to have intercourse thrice a week.

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