Monday, June 18, 2007

Pakistan anger over Rushdie award


Pakistan's National Assembly has unanimously condemned Britain's award of a knighthood to the author Salman Rushdie and demanded it be withdrawn.

A lower house resolution said honouring the author "hurt Muslim sentiments".

Sir Salman's book The Satanic Verses sparked protests by Muslims around the world and led to Iran issuing a fatwa in 1989, ordering his execution.

Iran also criticised the knighthood, saying praising the "apostate" showed Islamophobia among British officials.

The UK Foreign Office said Sir Salman's honour was "richly deserved".


Like Iran, Pakistan is an Islamic republic with an overwhelmingly Muslim population.

Its parliamentary affairs minister Sher Afgan Khan Niazi, who proposed the resolution, said the knighthood would "encourage people to commit blasphemy against the Prophet Mohammad".......

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