Sunday, June 17, 2007

Media Matters for America, June 17, 2007

In Tucker discussion, Weekly Standard's Ferguson on Clinton and liberal Protestants: "[T]hey believe in everything but God"

On the June 14 edition of MSNBC's Tucker, host Tucker Carlson asked Weekly Standard senior editor Andrew Ferguson if Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton (D-NY) "could, in the end, be a Jimmy Carter in the sense that she gets a significant percentage ... of evangelical votes," later asking: "Can you imagine a scenario, though, where the Democrat gets religious voters? Or is abortion is still the stumbling block?" Ferguson answered: "Only in -- religious in the way that Hillary Clinton is religious, which is to say of a very liberal Protestant sort of view, in which they believe in everything but God." Carlson said later, "I have never met anybody less sincere than the religious left." Read more's O'Keefe: "I don't necessarily know what" Obama campaign would want him to cover

Discussing the online video "Obama Girl" in an appearance on MSNBC, "Channel '08" blogger Ed O'Keefe asserted that Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) "perhaps is, you know, big on style, not enough on substance," rehashing a baseless critique of Obama advanced by Washington Post staff writer Chris Cilizza and MSNBC anchor Peter Alexander -- among others -- despite Obama's numerous detailed policy speeches. O'Keefe later said: "[H]ere we are four days after the video surfaced talking about this and not perhaps talking about what the Obama campaign would want us to talk about. I don't necessarily know what that is." Read more

Matthews: "Do Americans want to return to the Hillary model of first lady, or do they like the Laura Bush model?"

On the June 17 edition of the NBC-syndicated Chris Matthews Show, host Chris Matthews, leading off the discussion topic "What are Americans looking for in their next first lady?" asked "The Matthews Meter" -- composed of 12 of his regular panelists, including June 17 panelists BBC Washington correspondent Katty Kay, Newsweek chief political correspondent Howard Fineman, and MSNBC host Tucker Carlson -- "Do Americans want to return to the Hillary model of first lady, or do they like the Laura Bush model?" All 12 panelists responded that Americans want "the Laura Bush model." Read more

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