Tuesday, June 05, 2007

From: Media Matters for America

UPDATED: The Hill called Jefferson "first lawmaker to be indicted since 2001" -- but DeLay was indicted in 2005

A June 5 article in The Hill falsely reported that when Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA) was indicted on June 4, he became "the first lawmaker to be indicted since 2001, when the Justice Department indicted then-Rep. James Traficant (D-Ohio), who is still serving a prison term."
In fact, as The Hill itself reported on September 29, 2005, in an article headlined, "DeLay indicted, steps down: Rep. Blunt takes over temporarily as majority leader," then-House Majority Leader Tom DeLay (R-TX) "temporarily resigned his leadership position ... after an indictment by a Texas grand jury over his connection to a political action committee in that state." Read more

Fox News downplays Scooter Libby's sentencing

News organizations began to scramble just before noon on June 5, when news broke that federal judge Reggie Walton had sentenced I. Lewis "Scooter" Libby to 30 months in prison and a $250,000 fine on charges of lying during the CIA leak investigation. Libby was found guilty in March of obstructing justice and lying to FBI agents in connection to the Valerie Plame case.
With the sentencing, Libby, the former chief of staff to Vice President Dick Cheney, became the highest-ranking White House official to face a jail sentence since the Iran-Contra affair nearly two decades ago. Read more

ABC's Tapper left out Pelosi's actions in 2006 stripping Jefferson of committee post

On the June 4 edition of ABC's World News with Charles Gibson, ABC News chief political correspondent Jake Tapper reported that, following the June 4 federal corruption indictment of Rep. William Jefferson (D-LA), "Republicans ... pushed to have Jefferson expelled from Congress." Tapper added that "Democrats said the matter would be referred to the ethics committee," suggesting that this referral was the only action the Democratic House leadership has taken with Jefferson. In fact, after the federal investigation into Jefferson's alleged corruption revealed in 2006 that Jefferson had allegedly stashed $90,000 in his home, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) stripped him of his Ways and Means committee assignment.
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KSFO's Rodgers: Sec. Rice's "spike-heeled boots" make her look "like the hostess at an S&M parlor"

On the June 5 broadcast of San Francisco radio station KSFO's The Lee Rodgers & Melanie Morgan Program, co-host Lee Rodgers said that Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's "spike-heeled boots" make her look "like the hostess at an S&M parlor." The remark came during a conversation with conservative commentator and former H.W. Bush official Jed Babbin, who screamed on air when Rodgers mentioned a rumor that possible Republican presidential candidate and former Sen. Fred Thompson (TN) is considering Rice as a running mate.
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ABC's World News only network news broadcast not to report shortfall of Iraq "surge"

Of the three network news broadcasts on June 4, only ABC's World News did not report that President Bush's Baghdad security plan involving an increase of U.S. troops has thus far only been able to control one-third of the city, according to an internal military assessment first revealed in a June 4 New York Times article. "When planners devised the Baghdad security plan late last year, they had assumed most Baghdad neighborhoods would be under control around July," the Times noted. By contrast, NBC News chief Pentagon correspondent Jim Miklaszewski gave a full report on the assessment during NBC's Nightly News, and on the CBS Evening News, reporting on two missing U.S. soldiers captured last month near Baghdad, CBS News chief foreign correspondent Lara Logan also noted that U.S. and Iraqi troops "only control about a third of the capital." Read more

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