Tuesday, May 15, 2007

Specter: DoJ can’t function with Gonzales at the helm

The Hill

Sen. Arlen Specter (R-Pa.) leveled harsh words at Attorney General Alberto Gonzales and the White House Tuesday, saying it is “embarrassing for a professional to work for the Department of Justice today.”

At a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the 2006 firings of several U.S. attorneys, Specter told former Deputy Attorney General James Comey that he believes Paul McNulty, who stepped down from the deputy attorney general post Monday, found it difficult to serve under Gonzales.

“I think he found it difficult — really impossible — to continue to serve in the Department of Justice as a professional, which Paul McNulty was,” said Specter, the panel’s ranking member.

Specter also lambasted the testimony that Gonzales provided to the Senate Judiciary Committee on April 19 as “hard to understand.”......

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