Sunday, April 15, 2007

Poll: More Americans Want "General Pelosi," Not The Commander In Chief, To Dictate Troop Levels


Here's a key number from this weekend's CBS poll that deserves lots more attention -- because it suggests that Americans just aren't buying the GOP line that they should be put off by Congress' withdrawal timelines because they constitute an unprecedented Congressional "micromanaging" of the war.

Here, for instance, is Karl Rove speaking last night to a GOP gathering in Seattle:

Rove's harshest comments came in regard to the Democrats' plans for Iraq. He ridiculed House Speaker Nancy Pelosi for her trip to Syria, saying her party is "mandating failure" in Iraq.

"You know, the troops do not need General Pelosi trying to run the war from Capitol Hill," he said.

Oooooooo, scary! Rove has got the Dems' number! Run for your lives!

Sorry, but it looks as if the public just might rather have "General Pelosi" and other Dem Congressional leaders calling the shots on troop levels than the Commander in Chief himself. Or so this number in the CBS poll suggests:

Currently, President Bush and Congress disagree about what to do about U.S. troop levels in Iraq. Who do you think should have the final say about troop levels in Iraq, the President or Congress?

President: 44%

Congress: 49%

The poll also finds that an astonishing 67 percent of respondents think Congress should either allow funding only with a withdrawal timeline (58%) or cut off funding completely (9%).

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