Monday, April 09, 2007

A Better Way to Spin the Iraq War

The Opinionator

* So the best-case scenario is an Iraq that’s 50-percent communist? “President Bush believes that his job is to convince the American people that the war in Iraq is not a replay of Vietnam,” writes Washington Post columnist Jim Hoagland. “He is failing spectacularly in that self-described mission. The president’s best hope now is to convince Americans that with continuing U.S. help, Iraq may still become Korea.” (Hoagland means that the most optimistic scenario for success in Iraq is the creation of “a static shield behind which positive change occurs over the long run.”)

* “Everyone prepares for Congressional testimony, but this is ridiculous,” writes Washington Monthly blogger Kevin Drum of Alberto Gonzales’s need to cram for weeks in order to prepare for his April 17 testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee. “If Gonzales was planning to simply tell the truth, he wouldn’t ‘keep contradicting himself’ in practice sessions and he wouldn’t need to bring his schedule to a standstill in order to figure out what he’s planning to say.”

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