Thursday, March 22, 2007

Homeowner Upset Police Used House For Training


A local man wants police to pay for damage to a home he's restoring.

Curtis Allen said the damage happened when officers used a residence they thought was vacant for a training exercise.

"They kicked in the door. They busted up the door jam," Allen told KMBC's Maria Antonia. "I want them to stop using people's property as a training tool."

Police said they sometimes use vacant homes for training purposes. Officers said they look for places typical of what they're likely to find in the field.

Capt. Rich Lockhart said that police thought the home at 2845 Park Ave. was vacant when they arrived in January and the owner was not inside.

"What we do know is officers did train in this house. They believed it was a vacant house, went in and did some training," Lockhart said.

Allen said he bought the house a few months ago and is starting to refurbish it. He said he did not give anyone permission to use it.

"I've talked to the previous owner of this house, and he told me they asked him for permission a few months ago and he told them no," Allen said.

"I don't know exactly what they go through as far as getting approval and process to go into a home," Lockhart said.

Allen isn't claiming that police ruined the doors or the house, but "as a result of them coming in kicking in the house, someone else came and took the doors off the house," he said.

Allen now uses a board to cover the front and rear entrances of the home.

Police said they will investigate the incident if Allen files a claim.

"Basically, a letter outlining what he believes we did to the home, include pictures if he can. We'll look at it talk to officers involved, conduct an investigation, figure out what happened," Lockhart said.

Allen said he plans to file a claim next week. He said he wants police to pay for the doors

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