Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Gov. Kathleen Blanco: "I should have switched to Republican"

Louisiana Gannett News

BATON ROUGE – Gov. Kathleen Blanco, relaxed a day after dropping out of the governor’s race, said today her greatest failure as governor was not switching to the Republican Party in the days after Hurricanes Katrina and Rita.

“When I look back at the storms, if I had had the knowledge that I would be treated as a pariah by the national Republicans in office, I would have joined the Republican Party to save my state,” Blanco said.

“Then I would have been hugged and kissed and lifted, and I would have been declared the best governor in this whole country,” the governor said. “I wish I had realized that earlier. I think that was the fatal error.”

The governor has long maintained that Washington Republicans and the White House in particular sought to shift blame to her from President Bush for the federal government’s slow response following Hurricane Katrina.

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