Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Gonzales news conference - was to have lasted about 15 minutes, but it ended after less than three (Speedy Gonzales)

Chicago Tribune

Atty. Gen. Alberto Gonzales today cut short a press conference about Internet safety, leaving the room at the Dirksen U.S. Courthouse in Chicago when reporters questioned him about the firings of U.S. attorneys.

The questioning was to have lasted about 15 minutes, but it ended after less than three.

Gonzales defended his handling of the matter before quickly leaving the podium. He was asked about the revelation that he was present for a meeting on the firings, after he had initially said he had had no part in them.

"I've already discussed my involvement in the meeting," Gonzales said. "And my comments at the March 13 press conference. These are all things I have disclosed or discussed yesterday.

"It's all there in the record," he said. "But let me just say this, that certainly even before the disclosure of the memo, what was public out there was the fact that there was this review process."

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