Friday, March 16, 2007

Conservative Exodus Project Begins ..... They Sound Soooo Biblical ...

On March 3, 2007 a group of traditionalist conservatives, realizing that the GOP is moving too leftward, created the Conservative Exodus Project, which includes a petition to encourage conservatives to leave the GOP if a conservative presidential candidate is not chosen in 2008.

The Conservative Exodus Project stresses these five points:

(1) They oppose the third-world invasion of the United States, and reject amnesty and any path to citizenship for illegals. They support deportation, attrition, and massive reductions in legal immigration, especially from the third world.

(2) They oppose free trade, the support of which has become an ideological suicide pact. Free trade is both destroying our economy and undermining our sovereignty. Historically, conservatives have opposed free trade, and they should, but many in the GOP have been "neoconned" on this issue.

(3) They support a moral candidate, critical of secularism, who embodies the virtues of the Christian Western tradition.

(4) They oppose the illegal neocon war in Iraq. The transformation of the Middle East to liberal democracy is Jacobin, not conservative.

(5) They wish to see big government reduced in size - in all three branches - and for many offices and functions to be returned to the states, where they Constitutionally belong.

You can view the Conservative Exodus Project at:

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