Friday, February 02, 2007


Mercury News

I'm getting worried about Rush Limbaugh, radio's most-listened-to talk show host. Is he back on drugs?

Today he was saying that troops would be safer in Iraq then they would be in Philadelphia, where more people were murdered last year.

Of course in this figure, he's only counting Americans killed, not Iraqis, but either way, it's the kind of argument a kindergartner would offer, not the administration's go-to lapdog.

Is he suggesting that the President send troops to Philly to stabilize the situation there? It makes about as much sense as his next contention today that liberals don't favor the bombing of Iran because they think it will unify America behind George Bush.

The logic there is so lacking that I'm worried whether it's shaped by OxyContin, nicknamed hillbilly heroin, his drug of choice and one of the most addictive substances out there.

It's only fair to wonder about Limbaugh, who was caught buying the drug illegally in the parking lot of a West Palm Beach Denny's, is back on the sauce. He, after all, is constantly commenting on Ted Kennedy's alleged drinking problem.

"He looks thirsty to me," Limbaugh repeated several times yesterday. Was this some unconscious cry for help for his own need for abusive substances?

Today he called Venezuela president Hugo Chavez, Cesar Chavez, correcting himself by saying it didn't matter because a Chavez is a Chavez.

I know his show is supposed to be satire, like Archie Bunker in "All in the Family," but so many of his listeners believe he means what he says, that it's frightening.

Please Rush, stay off the drugs so the dittoheads can make some rational arguments......

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