Monday, February 12, 2007

FBI loses laptops with classified information

• Inspector general says at least 10 missing laptops had sensitive information
• 160 laptops lost or stolen during four-year period
• 51 missing laptops may also contain sensitive information
• Equal number of weapons also missing

WASHINGTON (CNN) -- The FBI lost at least 10 laptop computers containing classified information during a four-year period ending in 2005, the Justice Department's inspector general has found.

The 10 were among the 160 laptops lost or stolen during a 44-month period ending September 30, 2005, Inspector General Glenn Fine reported. Along with the laptops, an equal numbers of weapons were also missing.

The report said the number of missing items, while still a problem, represents a sharp improvement since a 2002 audit, which found more than 300 laptops and 300 weapons lost or stolen during the previous 28-month period.

Fine said that among the 10 missing laptops known to contain sensitive or classified information was one that had identifying information on FBI personnel.

Several more lost or stolen laptops may also contain sensitive counterintelligence or counterterrorism information, the report said...

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