Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Russia Delivering Anti-Aircraft Missiles to Iran, Syria on Schedule

The Daily Star

Controversial Russian contracts to sell anti-aircraft weapons to Syria and Iran are being fulfilled on schedule, Russian news agencies cited defense and industry officials as saying Tuesday. At least half of the 29 Tor-M1 missile systems bought by Iran for $1.4 billion dollars had been delivered, state-run ITAR-TASS quoted an unnamed source at the Defense Ministry as saying.

"We are actively carrying out deliveries of the system to Iran. At least 50 percent of the contract has been delivered," the official was quoted as saying. The air defense systems are being stationed around Iran's civilian nuclear sites, according to ITAR-TASS. … . Meanwhile, Interfax news agency quoted Valery Kashin, head of weapons maker Engineering Design Bureau, as saying that Russia met all its commitments in 2006 under the contract to supply Syria with the Strelets anti-aircraft system. He gave no details.

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