Friday, December 22, 2006

Russia Charges Rocket Scientist With Spying for U.S.

The Federal Security Service Directorate for Novosibirsk Region is to send to court a criminal case brought against Oleg Korobeynichev, the head of the laboratory of the Institute of Kinetics and Combustion of the Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, the ITAR-TASS news agency reported on Friday quoting a press statement by the head of the directorate Sergey Savchenkov.

“The scientist was providing information about new research in solid rocket fuel to the research centre of the US Ministry of Defence,” Savchenkov said.

Korobeynichev “has already been charged” with divulging state secrets, he added.

Korobeynichev concluded an agreement with the research centre of the US Ministry of Defence to exchange scientific information, Savchenkov said. According to the directorate, the scientist “was paid” for the information. The trial will be a closed one.


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