Saturday, December 02, 2006

Media Matters Latest, December 02, 2006

Hannity suggested use of Quran in representative's swearing-in same as using "Nazi bible" Mein Kampf
Echoing columnist Dennis Prager, Sean Hannity claimed that incoming Rep. Keith Ellison's reported intention to use a copy of the Quran apparently during the ceremonial photo op on the day he is sworn in "will embolden Islamic extremists and make new ones" and suggested that using the Quran for a swearing-in is comparable to using "Hitler's Mein Kampf, which is the Nazi bible." Read more

Coulter: "[P]rofiling Muslims is more like profiling the Klan"
In a November 30 syndicated column about the removal of six imams from an airplane in Minnesota after other passengers saw them praying prior to boarding, right-wing pundit Ann Coulter claimed that racially "profiling Muslims is more like profiling the Klan" than it is like profiling African-Americans, "because of the history of discrimination against blacks in this country." Coulter added: "What did we do to the Arabs? I believe Americans are the victims in that relationship." Read more

O'Reilly: Iraq is "not [in] a civil war," rather "they're all Muslims ... doing what they do"
On the November 29 broadcast of his nationally syndicated radio show, Bill O'Reilly denied that Iraq is in a "civil war as NBC News wants you to think" and asserted that "they're all Muslims, and they're doing what they do. They're killing each other. And they're killing Americans." Read more

Fox's Wilson falsely suggested NBC alone in characterizing Iraq situation as "civil war"
In his report on whether it is "accurate to call what is happening [in Iraq] a civil war," as NBC News recently decided to do, Fox News' Brian Wilson featured several people who say that Iraq is not experiencing a civil war, while noting only the announcement by NBC News explaining of its decision. Wilson did not mention any of the numerous scholars, journalists, and retired military officers who have described Iraq as being in the midst of a civil war. Read more

CNN's Blitzer ignores possible political motives in McCain's call for more troops
On The Situation Room, Wolf Blitzer asked whether Sen. John McCain's call for more troops is "a Profiles in Courage kind of statement," adding that McCain deserves "credit" for his statement because "he totally believes that the United States does not have enough troops in Iraq right now." But Blitzer ignored the possible political motives behind McCain's proposal. Read more

American Spectator, Scarborough echoed George Will's dishonest attack on Sen.-elect WebbIn his latest column, George F. Will distorted his own newspaper's reporting by leaving out a key part of an exchange between President Bush and Sen.-elect James Webb in order to attack Webb's "calculated rudeness toward another human being." Read more

O'Reilly still blasting retail chains for apocryphal "Merry Christmas" ban
On his radio show, Bill O'Reilly claimed that retailers Best Buy and Crate & Barrel are "still ordering their people not to say, 'Merry Christmas,' " and that the stores "will fire" employees who do. According to each store's spokesperson, neither retail chain has such a policy. Read more

Shuster failed to challenge Corker when he blamed "independent" groups for ads run by his campaign and the RNC
On the November 30 edition of MSNBC's Hardball, guest host and MSNBC correspondent David Shuster failed to challenge the claim by Sen.-elect Bob Corker (R-TN) that "a lot of independent expenditure groups that got involved" in his Senate race against Democratic challenger Rep. Harold Ford Jr. had "changed the tone of the race." In fact, Corker's campaign ran at least one radio advertisement that was criticized as racially charged, and the ads Corker attributed to "independent expenditure groups" were, in fact, paid for by the Republican National Committee (RNC), which Shuster failed to note. Read more

CNN's Blitzer let slide Gonzales' dodge of question about wrongful detentions
In response to a question from Wolf Blitzer about why people have been wrongfully detained by the U.S. government, Attorney General Alberto Gonzales claimed he didn't "know the specific cases" Blitzer was "referring to." Blitzer did not challenge Gonzales or point out any of several such detainments documented by human-rights groups and foreign governments. Read more

Olbermann named Bozell "Worst Person" for claiming "100 generals ... would disagree" with NBC's characterization of Iraq as "a civil war"
On the November 30 edition of MSNBC's Countdown, host Keith Olbermann awarded Media Research Center president L. Brent Bozell III winner of his nightly "Worst Person in the World" segment for claiming, as Media Matters for America documented, that "probably 100 generals in the field in Iraq would disagree" with NBC News' "decision to call [the war in Iraq] a civil war," without providing any examples. Bozell recently was part of a "five-way tie" for "Worst Person" along with Fox News host Sean Hannity, nationally syndicated radio host Laura Ingraham, Boston University professor Bob Zelnick, and Fox News host Bill O'Reilly, who all distorted media tycoon Ted Turner's explanation for why he has a problem with President Bush's statement, "You're either with us or against us," as Media Matters also noted. Read more

Limbaugh said he learned about women from his cat, which "gets loved," "petted," and "fed" and "doesn't have to do anything for it"
On the November 30 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, host Rush Limbaugh proclaimed: My "cat's taught me more about women, than anything my whole life" because his pet cat "comes to me when she wants to be fed," and "[s]he's smart enough to know she can't feed herself. She's actually [a] very smart cat. She gets loved. She gets adoration. She gets petted. She gets fed. And she doesn't have to do anything for it." Limbaugh has previously stated, on the March 1, 2005, edition of his show, that "[w]omen still live longer than men because their lives are easier"; on January 10, he suggested that some women "would love to be hired as eye candy." Read more

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