Monday, November 06, 2006

Stop Illegal Robocalling!: Democrats Send Cease and Desist Letter to Republicans

ABC News' Ellen Davis Reports: Bob Bauer, General Counsel for the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee sent a cease and desist letter to Don McGahn, General Counsel of the National Republican Campaign Committee requesting a stop to what he alleges is an illegal form of random calling of voter's residences using recorded political messages, often known as 'Robo-calling'.

The letter states: "The NRCC calls do not identify at the outset, and as required, that they are sponsored by the NRCC. These calls do not contain a telephone number. This failure to comply with the law denies callers effective sponsorship information. Without the benefit of a number, they are also unable to request that they not be called again. And we have received reports that individuals have been contacted multiple times by your prerecorded calls, despite their continued refusal to accept the calls."

Don McGahn, Council for the Republicans responded in this letter: "Thank you for your press release. Per your request, this is to let you know that there is no need for the NRCC to, in your words, bring its actitivities into compliance with Federal law, because NRCC acitivities are already in compliance with Federal Law.

In Fact, with respect to telephone disclaimers, we have simply copied what you own national committee does. I have a recording of a pre-recorded phone message from DNC counsel Joe Sandler which contains the same sorts of disclaimers (including placement) as NRCC calls. Maybe you ought to send a letter to the DNC as well?"

When asked about the letter, NRCC communications director Carl Forti said "we comply with all federal laws and regulations regarding political phone calls."

NRCC Communications director Carl Forti, in a separate conversation with ABC News's David Chalian, said that they have made no phone calls past 8 PM, which suggests he realizes that would constitute a violation.

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