Saturday, November 18, 2006

McCain Hires Key Radical Cleric Falwell Staffer For Presidential Campaign

In 2000, John McCain called Jerry Falwell an “agent of intolerance.” Now, he has hired the debate coach from Falwell’s Liberty University, Brett O’Donnell, to advise him on his communications strategy.

O’Donnell has been executing Falwell’s strategy to train scores of debaters to confront “the culture on moral default.”

Falwell said the hiring should not be considered an endorsement:

The Rev. Jerry Falwell, chancellor of the Lynchburg university, said he has not endorsed a candidate, and O’Donnell’s appointment should not be interpreted as a signal that he is backing McCain…”Senator McCain is getting a real winner, and I’m sure Brett will be a great help to him,” Falwell said. “He’s getting Brett at the peak of his production.”


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