Thursday, October 26, 2006

WH Admits ROVE - Making Tactical Decisions On Iraq For Political Purposes

'Rove would never allow it'

Posted By Carpetbagger

On Tuesday's edition of the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric, CBS White House correspondent Jim Axelrod mentioned that he's spoken with some White House officials about possible changes to the president's policy for the war in Iraq. He added what should have been a rather startling comment.

AXELROD: Well, the White House is in quite a bind, Katie, because on one hand, it has to project some sense of resolve, certainly to keep appealing to its base. On the other hand, they read the polls, and they know that voters want a change in Iraq policy. But as far as any significant change, a White House official tells me, do not expect to see anything significant prior to Election Day. Quoting, "You're not going to see anything before November 8th. It would be political suicide, and Karl Rove would never allow it."

COURIC: But why is it political suicide if so many people are unhappy with what's going on in Iraq? You would think that to save their hides Election Day, they'd want to change course.

AXELROD: Because this president is known, if for nothing else, for his resolve, for — even though they're trying to stay away from the phrase — staying the course. So to make such a significant change in two weeks' time I think would open — introduce more problems than suggest answers.

You mean, a White House official admitted that the administration is making tactical decisions about the Iraq war based on domestic political calculations? You don't say. .....

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