Friday, October 20, 2006

Weldon labels Democrats 'un-American' in debate with opponent

SPRINGFIELD, Pa. - Republican Rep. Curt Weldon heatedly defended his public record and his children Friday in his first debate since an FBI probe of his activities became public earlier this week....

The lawmaker used his opening statement to blast the media for what he labeled as attacks on his children, and to criticize Democrats for an "outrageous and un-American" campaign flyer regarding his daughter's lobbying firm.

"No campaign has been worse than this one over the past five days," said Weldon, a 10-term incumbent.

Weldon was emotional and combative in the debate, saying he embraced his role as "the underdog."

Sestak used numerous statistics to try to show that it is time for a new congressman. Speaking in calm, measured tones, he cited figures that he said showed Delaware County losing businesses and jobs in the past few years. He also expressed concern about the millions of Americans who have no health insurance.

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