Thursday, October 26, 2006

Rush Limbaugh: Winner Of The 2006 Swift Boat Asshole In Action Award.

I've done over one hundred press interviews this year in my role over at The Patriot Project where Taylor Marsh, Dave Johnson and I have been working to expose right wing front groups, how they're funded and how they operate. The question I most often get asked is "what's the best example of the Swift Boat strategy being used this year?

Is it Vets for the Truth? Or what they're doing to Chris Carney?"

Actually, no. It's what Rush Limbaugh's done to Michael J. Fox. Why?

Well, the right wing has a problem with the stem cell issue. It's like the Vietnam issue in 2004 - if there was a fair and balanced debate on who served their country with more courage, John Kerry or George Bush, well, that's not much of a debate now is it? Same with stem cell research.

More and more Americans are supporting the issue of embryonic stem cell research. The vast majority of Americans favor stem cell research if it means find a cure for diseases like Alzheimers and Parkinson's. So the right wing is trapped between its religious supporters and a hard place. It can't argue the issue on the issue. So it does what it always does when in the wrong and in a defensive position, it attacks.


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