Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Media Matters Latest, October 17, 2006

Suggested question for Mehlman: Do you really not recall whether you had Sabbath dinner at Jack Abramoff's house?

Republican National Committee chairman Ken Mehlman has been inconsistent in his public statements about his relationship to disgraced GOP lobbyist Jack Abramoff. In recent interviews, CNN's Wolf Blitzer and U.S. News & World Report staff writer Will Sullivan passed up the opportunity to challenge Mehlman about these inconsistencies. Read more

Purporting to have learned from Capitol Police about House pages' "cavort[ing]" naked, Cal Thomas's claims very similar to NewsMax report of pre-1983 conduct

During a panel discussion about the role of teenage congressional pages in the scandal surrounding former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL) on the October 14 edition of Fox News Watch, syndicated columnist Cal Thomas declared that congressional pages "have been painted as some kind of virginal, hermetically sealed young people" by "the media," when if "[y]ou talk to the Capitol Police, as I do," the "untold story" is "there are a lot of these kids, including female pages, who undress in front of windows with the shades up and who -- who cavort in the pool topless and naked." Thomas added: "[T]here's been no media reporting on who all of these pages are." Read more

Olbermann awarded Dobson "Worst Person in the World" "first for saying the Foley scandal was a joke and again for lying about having said that"

On the October 13 edition of MSNBC's Countdown, host Keith Olbermann awarded the "gold position" in his daily "Worst Person in the World" segment to Focus on the Family founder and chairman James C. Dobson, who claimed during the October 11 broadcast of his radio show that Olbermann, by mentioning a comment that Dobson made about the scandal surrounding former Rep. Mark Foley (R-FL), demonstrated that he "can always be counted on to give the leftist slant on everything." During the radio broadcast, Dobson also baselessly claimed that Media Matters for America engaged in "sp[i]n" by quoting the on-air remark by Dobson that Olbermann cited, in which Dobson asserted that Foley's sexually explicit instant messages to an underage male House page "turned out to be what some people are now saying was a sort of a joke by the boy and some of the other pages." As Media Matters noted, Dobson and Focus on the Family vice president of public policy Tom Minnery criticized Olbermann for quoting Dobson's comments, but Dobson did not explain what the purported spin or "slant" was, nor did he accuse Media Matters or Olbermann of having misquoted him or quoted him out of context. Read more

Matthews again cited "terror and taxes" as "Republican strong points," despite polling to the contrary

Even though polls suggest that Democrats actually hold an advantage over Republicans on both issues, Chris Matthews again asserted that "terror and taxes are the Republican strong points" in the upcoming midterm congressional elections. Read more

Barnes falsely claimed Pelosi "is the most unpopular national politician in America"

In his latest column, Fred Barnes wrote that Nancy Pelosi "is the most unpopular national politician in America," ignoring recent opinion polls showing that President Bush, his vice president, his defense secretary, and the Republican leaders of both houses of Congress are far less popular than Pelosi. Read more

O'Reilly falsely claimed that a pregnant woman's life could "never" be "in danger" from pregnancy complication

On his radio show, Bill O'Reilly falsely claimed that it "is never the case" that a "mother's life is in danger" during pregnancy because "you can always have a C-section and do those kinds of things." In fact, several potential pregnancy complications, such as an ectopic pregnancy, which is "the leading cause of pregnancy-related deaths in the first trimester" or preeclampsia, which "affect[s] up to one in seven pregnant women" can threaten the life of a pregnant woman. Read more

Savage claimed Dem win in midterms "could lead to the breakup of the United States of America"

On the October 13 edition of his nationally syndicated radio show, The Savage Nation, Michael Savage claimed that a victory by the Democratic Party in the November midterm elections "could lead to the breakup of the United States of America, the way the Soviet Union broke up." Savage warned of the threat of Democrats regaining control of Congress while discussing the threat of immigration to the makeup of the United States, asserting that there is only "a melting pot possibility" for immigrants from Europe and that "[w]hen you start bringing in masses of immigrants from everywhere on Earth, you don't have a melting pot; they cannot be melted into an American, and that's what's going on in the country today." Savage added, "Democrats want people to vote that aren't even citizens, because they're not counting on an America that speaks English in the near future." Read more

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